You don’t have to spend a lot to do a little bit of good. Our customers have been loud and clear – interest in eco-friendly products has never been greater. As a result, these products have become seriously popular employee gifts. Recycled and reusable products are great options for employers looking to give their employees something [...]

Choosing the right decoration method is just as important as choosing the right product. Every time you put your logo, or brand, out into the world, you’re saying “This is who we are.” That’s why choosing a promotional product as a gift or giveaway is an important marketing decision. It’s equally important to consider the way your logo will look on the [...]

Color Emotion Guide Logo designers have several puzzles to solve when presented with a new logo design project. One of the main considerations that a designer must deal with is to understand what it is that the client wants to achieve with the logo design. The designer asks the client a series of questions that illicit answers [...]